LSGD – Subjects under various Secretariat Sections
(Accountability-A) - AA
1. Matters related to Performance Audit in Municipalities and Corporations including conduct of special audit and enquiry and follow up action on the report.
2. Papers related to training of Performance Audit Teams.
3. Operation of fund provided under Head of Account 2251-00-090-97- SPAA, Performance Audit Authority and State Performance audi tOfficer.
4. Matters related to Performance Audit in block/District Panchayats including conduct of Special Audit and enquiry and follow up action on the reports.
5. Publication of Annual Performance Audit Report.
6. Sanctioning of TA of Performance Audit and Regional Performance Audit Teams.
7. L. A. Interpellation connected with Performance Audit and allied matters.
8. Matters related to Performance Audit in Grama Panchayat including conduct of Special Audit and Enquiry and follow up action on the reports.
9. General matters related to Performance Audit including issue of common instructions/circulars.
10. Miscellaneous papers in the section.
(Accountability-B) - AB
1. All papers including LA Interpellations related to the audit conducted by Director and Deputy Directors of Local Fund Audit and Local Fund Accounts Committee and follow up action of the reports in respect of Grama Panchayats of Thiruvananthapuram, Kollam, Alappuzha, Pathanamthitta and Kottayam Districts.
2. All papers including LA Interpellations related to the audit conducted by Director and Deputy Directors of Local Fund Audit and Local Fund Accounts Committee and follow up action of the reports in respect of all Municipalities and Corporations.
3. All papers including LA Interpellations related to the inspection conducted by Finance Inspection Wing and follow up action of the reports.
4. All papers including LA Interpellations related to the audit conducted by Director and Deputy Directors of Local Fund Audit and Local Fund Accounts Committee and follow up action of the reports in respect of Grama Panchayats of Malappuram, Kozhikode, Kannur, Wayanad and Kasargod Districts.
5. Miscellaneous papers in the section.
6. All papers including LA Interpellations related to Store Purchase Inspection and follow up action of the reports.
7. All papers including LA Interpellations related to the audit conducted by Director and Deputy Directors of Local Fund Audit and Local Fund Accounts Committee and follow up action of the reports in respect of Grama Panchayats of Idukki, Ernakulam, Thrissur and Palakkad Districts.
8. All papers including LA Interpellations related to Audit of other Institutions/Departments under LSGD.
(Accountability-C) – AC
1. Follow up action on the audit of Grama Panchayats by Accountant General.
2. All papers including LA Interpellations related to the audit conducted by Director and Deputy Directors of Local Fund Audit and Local Fund Accounts Committee and follow up action of the reports in respect of District Panchayats in respect of Thrissur, Palakkad, Malappuram, Kozhikode, Kannur and Wayanad Districts.
3. All papers on Audit Monitoring Committee.
4. Follow up action on the audit of Block and District Panchayats by Accountant General.
5. All papers related to the audit conducted by Director and Deputy Directors of Local Fund Audit and Local Fund Accounts Committee and follow up action of the reports in respect of all Block Panchayats.
6. Reforms in Finance and Accounts system and training on them.
7. Furnishing of remarks sought by other departments in Secretariat and Head of Departments on matters of transferred subject and institutions.
8. Follow up action on the audit of Municipalities and Corporations by Accountant General.
9. All papers including LA Interpellations related to the audit conducted by Director and Deputy Directors of Local Fund Audit and Local Fund Accounts Committee and follow up action of the reports in respect of District Panchayats of Thiruvananthapuram, Kollam, Alappuzha, Kottayam, Pathanamthitta, Idukki and Ernakulam Districts.
10. Inspection of offices of Heads of Departments under LSGD on matters relating to Performance Audit.
11. Miscellaneous papers in the section.
12. General and miscellaneous papers having accountability nature.
(Development-A) - DA
1. Convening of Co-ordination Committee Meeting.
2. Issue of Clarifications/Circulars/Guidelines and orders on Decentralisation including planning, implementation, monitoring and evaluation.
3. Follow up action on the decisions of Co-ordination Committee Meetings.
4. Issue of guidelines for the implementation of various schemes to be implemented by the Local Self Governments.
5. LA Interpellations of general nature regarding Decentralisation.
6. Giving accreditation to various Institutions as accredited agencies for implementation of schemes in Local self Governments.
7. All papers relating to Decentralised Planning in the Grama Panchyats.
8. Appeals against DPC decisions in respect of schemes which require Government approval.
9. Complaints on the irregularities in the implementation of various schemes of Grama Panchayats.
10. All papers regarding road works in the Grama Panchayats.
11. Appeals against DPC decisions in respect of District Panchayats.
12. All papers related to Decentralized Plan including Project approvals of urban local bodies.
13. Miscellaneous papers of the Section.
14. Papers received from the various Legislative Committees related to Grama Panchayats.
15. All papers relating to Grama Sabhas.
16. Matters/complaints regarding installation and maintenance of Street lights, Water taps, Wells, Tube Wells under Grama Panchayats.
(Development-B) - DB
1. All papers related to the functioning of District Panchayats including Decentralized Planning. complaints and Vigilance cases on various projects implemented by District Panchayats. various Legislative Committees reports in respect of the schemes of District Panchayats. State Lavel Bankers Committee meeting. Housing Schemes of LSG Institutions.
2. All papers related to All State Sponsored Schemes. Matters connected with the functioning of District Panchayats. Institutions/Assets transferred to all LSG Institutions. Hydel Projects of all LSG Institutions. Preparation of Asset Register and follow up action of LSG Institutions.
3. All papers related to District Planning Committees. Roads works in District Panchayats. Burial and burning grounds in LSG Institutions Matters/complaints regarding installation and maintenance of Roads, Street lights, Water taps, Wells, Tube Wells under District Panchayats. Miscellaneous papers in the section.
(Development-C) - DC
1. All papers relating to Exhibitions and Tournaments.
2. Naming of Roads, erection of statues and memorials
3. Rehabilitation of Street Vendors.
4. Sewage disposal and dumping grounds and solid waste management under all LSG institutions and departments.
5. Plan Schemes of Town Planning Departments.
6. Papers relating to State and Centrally Sponsored Schemes of UrbanLSG.
7. Papers regarding Community Halls, shopping complexes, Markets, stalls, Slaughter Houses and Bus Stands of all LSG Institutions.
8. Construction and maintenance of Swaraj Bhavan.
9. Plan Schemes relating to Development Authorities.
10. Incentives and awards to LSG institutions.
11. Papers relating to works of Muncipalities and Corporations including tender excess.
12. Purchase and maintenance of vehicles of all LSG institutions.
13. All papers relating to water supply schemes of all LSG Institutions under Grama Panchayats.
14. OPs, Writ petitions/LA interpellations relating to Development and Planning in Urban Local Governments.
15. Plan Schemes of Urban Affairs Department.
16. Monitoring of OPs/WPs of all development sections.
17. Miscellaneous papers of the section.
(Development-D) - DD
1. Indira Awaz Yojana.
2. Swarnajayanthi Grameen Swarozgar Yojana (Special and General).
3. Integrated Wasteland Development programme.
4. NABARD assisted RIDF Schemes in respect of all Local Self Government Institutions.
5. Pradhan Mantri Grameen Sadak Yojana.
6. Papers relating to Rural Business Hubs.
7. All papers related to the functioning of Block Panchayats under Decentralisations.
8. Sampoorna Grameen Rozgar Yojana.
9. National Rural Employment Guarantee Act.
10. Appeals against decisions of DPC in respect of Block Panchayats.
11. Residuary work of IRDP, TRYSEM Schemes.
12. All papers relating to Trade Fairs and Melas.
13. Complaints on the irregularities in the implementation of various schemes of Block Panchayats.
14. Provision of Urban Amenities in Rural Areas.
15. Miscellaneous papers of the Section.
16. BPL Survey.
(Establishment-Panchayat-A) - EPA
1. Establishment of JBCs, LDCs, UDCs, HCs of Panchayat Department including that of District Panchayats and excluding that of Block Panchayats.
2. Papers relating to Schools/Anganwadies and establishment of teachersunder Grama and District Panchayats.
3. Compassionate Employment of dependants of the staff dealt within the seat.
4. Formation/Amendment of Special Rules for staff under Panchayat Department.
5. Establishment matters of,— Employees of Panchayat Department such as Peons, Drivers, Sanitary Inspectors, Librarians etc.
6. All part-time and Full-time Contingent Employees in District and Grama Panchyats, viz., Part-time/Full- time sweepers, Scavengers, Night Watchman, Water Meter Readers, Pump Operator, Attender, Nursery School Ayah, Siron Operator, Engine Operator, Pound Keeper, Ferryman, Casual Labourers.
7. Compassionate Employment of dependents of the staff dealt with in the seat.
8. Wage Committee for examining the wage of contingent employees of whole institutions/departments under LSGD.
9. Monitoring of OPs/WPs of all establishment sections.
10. Establishment matters related to LSG (Engineering Wing) including office of the Chief Engineer (LSGD)/Deployment of Technical staff under LSGD.
11. Compassionate Employment of dependants of the staff dealt with in the seat.
12. Establishment of AEs and Oversears of the Grama Panchyats and District Panchyats.
13. Miscellaneous papers of LSGD, which are not defined and assigned to any other sections.
(Establishment—Panchayat-B) - EPB
1. Establishment matters of Assistant Directors, Deputy Directors, Joint Directors, Administrative Assistant/Senior Superintendents/Junior Superintendents of Panchayat Department.
2. Administration Report of Panchayat Deprtment.
3. Estt. papers of Panchayat Secretaries.
4. Establishment matters of District Panchayat Secretaries and Finance Officers of District Panchayats.
5. Compassionate employment of dependants of the staff dealt with in the seat.
6. Disciplinary action against officers and staff of whole Panchayat Department in Thiruvananthapuram, Kollam, Pathanmthitta, Alappuzha, Kottayam, Idukki and Ernakulam Districts.
7. Miscellaneous papers in the section.
8. Disciplinary action against officers and staff of whole Panchayat Department in Thrissur, Palakkad, Malappuram, Kozhikode, Kannur, Kasargod and Wayanad Districts.
9. General papers on disciplinary matters of the Panchayat Department.
(Establishment—Rural Development-A) - ERA
1. Deployment of ministerial staff in LSGIs.
2. Establishment of ministerial staff of Block Panchayats (clerical staff).
3. Organisational set up and work distribution in whole wings and sections in LSGD at Secretariat level- review modifications etc.
4. Liaison work on visits of Foreign as well as Indian delegates.
5. Establishment papers of Block Development Officers, Joint Block Development Officers, Assistant Engineers in Blocks, Overseers in Blocks.
6. Miscellaneous papers relating to the Section.
7. Establishment papers of Assistant Development Commissioners, Deputy Development Commissioners, Joint Development Commissioners, Additional Development Commissioners, Assistant Project Officer etc.
8. Compassionate Employment Assistance to all categories relating to the section.
9. General/Miscellaneous papers in the department with Estt. Nature.
(Establishment—Rural Development-B) - ERB
1. All papers related to the Disciplinary action against the staff of Rural Development Department in respect of Thrissur, Palakkad, Malappuram, Wayanad, Kannur, Kozhikode and Kasargod Districts.
2. Formulation/Amendment of Special Rules for staff in Rural Development Department.
3. Miscellaneous papers in the section.
4. Establishment papers related to Drivers, Class IV employees, Ministerial Service and Casual Labourers of Rural Development Department.
5. Establishment papers of VEO, LVEO, Extension Officer (WW), GEO.
6. Administration Report of Rural Development Department.
7. Establishment matters of Extension Officer (Housing) Gr. I, Extension Officer (IRD) and Extension Officer (P&M).
8. All papers related to the Disciplinary action against the staff of Rural Development Department in respect of Thiruvananthapuram, Kollam, Alappuzha, Kottayam, Idukki, Pathanamthitta and Ernakulam Districts.
9. Establishment papers of DW WOS, Co-ordination (DWRA, W&CP), GT&EO, Residuary work of Functional Literacy Project.
(Establishment-Urban) - EU
1. Establishment matters of all offices of DUA and higher level officers of Municipal Common Service including disciplinary action.
2. All subjects related to Electricity wing of Thrissur Corporation.
3. Administration Report of Municipal Administration Department.
4. Establishment matters and disciplinary cases relating to all non-gazetted staff of Muncipal Common Service.
5. Establishment matters and disciplinary cases relating to all Last Grade Servants, Drivers, Contingent Workers, CLR Workers of all the Municipalities and Corporations.
6. Pension papers relating to retired hands in Muncipal Common Service.
7. Fixation of rent of all office buildings of LSG Institutions and Departments.
8. Employment Assistance to the dependants of those who died while in service in Municipalities, Corporations and Directorate of Municipal Administration.
9. Special Rules of Municipal staff.
10. Establishment papers of Town and Country Planning Department.
11. Miscellaneous papers of the section.
12. Administration Reports of Town and Country Planning Department.
(Institution-A) - IA
1. All papers relating to Kudumbashree, Ombudsman and Tribunal for LSG Institutions.
2. All papers relating to Kerala State Rural Development Board (defunct) Capital City Development. KSUDP and Predecessor Projects KURDFC Monitoring of OPs/WPs of all institutional sections
3. All papers relating to Existing development authorities and residuary work of defunct
4. Development Authorities. Miscellaneous papers of the section. Clean Kerala Mission Total Sanitation Mission General and miscellaneous papers of institutional nature.
(Institution-B) - IB
1. All papers relating to Attappady Hills Area Development Society including establishment matters.
2. All matters including establishment of RIB, FP&NC.
3. All matters including Establishment of PAD (K)
4. Matters including establishment relating to Kerala Rural Employment and Welfare Society (KREWS) and Kerala Artisans and Skilled Workers Employment Society.
5. All matters including Establishment matters of KILA, SIRD, ETCs, KERAMS. 220
6. All types of trainigs workshops, Study Tours imparted to officials and elected members.
7. Residuary papers relating to DRDAs and matters of Poverty Alleviation Units.
8. IKM.
9. Miscellaneous papers in the section.
(Financial Matters) - FM
1. Non-Plan Grant to Local Self Government Institutions.
2. Plan Fund allocation to all Local Self Government Institutions.
3. Monthly expenditure statement.
4. Budget papers of Tribunal for LSG Institutions.
5. Budget papers relating to Municipal Administration Department and Municipalities.
6. Budget Papers of Town and Country Planning Department.
7. Papers on property tax, profession tax and advertisement tax of Local Governments.
8. Plan review of all departments under LSGD.
9. Budget Papers of Panchayat Department.
10. Opening of accounts in Banks.
11. Subject Committee, PAC and Draft Para.
12. Permissive sanction to Local Governments.
13. Papers relating to central Finance Commission.
14. Entertainment Tax.
15. Papers relating to State Finance Commission—Report and follow up including monitoring of recommendations.
16. Papers relating to Budget of RDD.
17. Miscellaneous papers of the section.
(Election Matters) - EM
1. No Confidence Motion.
2. Request on change of reservation in LSG Institutions.
3. Dissolution of LSG Institutions.
4. Issuance/surrender of Identity Card to elected members of all LSG Institutions. 221
5. Resignation of Members.
6. Conduct of elections and related papers.
7. Swearing of members.
8. Complaints on irregularity in elections of LSG Institutions.
9. Establishment/Complaints/allegations against elected members of all LSG Institutions— District/Block/Grama Panchayats.
10. OP/WP (General) relating to election of elected members.
11. Election to Municipalities and Corporations.
12. Delinking of Panchayats from Municipalities.
13. Creation of new Municipalities.
14. Delimitation cases and Delimitation Commission.
15. Election of Estt./complaints/allegations, against Councillors, Standing Committee Members, Mayor and Chairman.
16. Medical Aid to elected representatives of LSG Institutions.
17. Election Commission—Estt.
18. Election Commission—Election Issues.
19. Election Commission—General Papers.
20. Bifurcation of Panchayats.
21. Delimitation of wards in Panchayats, Municipalities and Corporations.
22. Change of name and naming of LSG Institutions.
23. Change of Headquarters of LSG Institutions.
24. Monitoring of OPs/WPs of Election and Finance sections.
25. Miscellaneous papers of the section.
(Regulatory-A) - RA
1. Papers relating to the construction of buildings with regard to the Kerala Municipality Building Rules 1999, Kerala Panchayat Building Rules, Kerala Municipality Act 1994, Kerala Panchayat Raj Act 1994 CRZ Notification, regularisation of unauthorised construction complaints regarding constructions in violation of KM Act, KMBR Kerala Panchayat Raj Act etc., and enquiry reports of STP (Vig.) etc. of the districts of Thiruvananthapuram (except Thiruvananthapuram Corporation) Alappuzha and Pathanamthitta.
2. Papers related to the Kerala Coastal Zone Management Authority Meeting. 222
3. Miscellaneous papers in the Section.
4. Cancellation/Extension of building rules to Panchayats of the aforesaid districts.
5. Papers relating to the construction of buildings with regard to the Kerala Municipality Building Rules 1999, Kerala Municipality Act 1994, CRZ Notification, regularisation of unauthorised construction, complaints regarding constructions in violation of K. M. Act, KMBR and enquiry reports of STP (Vig.) etc., relating the Corporation of Thiruvananthapuram.
6. General issues relating to building construction and application.
7. Papers relating to the construction of buildings with regard to the Kerala Municipality Building Rules 1999, Kerala Panchayat Building Rules, Kerala Municipality Act 1994, Kerala Panchayat Raj Act 1994, CRZ Notification, regularisation of unauthorised construction, complaints regarding constructions in violation of K. M. Act, KMBR, Kerala Panchayat Raj Act etc., and enquiry reports of STP (Vig.) etc., relating to Kollam, Kottayam and Idukki Districts.
8. Papers related to the Vigilance wing of Town Planning including its budget and vehicle.
9. Cancellation/Extension of building rules to Panchayats of the aforesaid districts.
(Regulatory-B) - RB
1. Papers relating to the construction of buildings with regard to the Kerala Municipality Building Rules 1999, Kerala Panchayat Building Rules, Kerala Municipality Act 1994, Kerala Panchayat Raj Act 1994, CRZ Notification, regularisation of unauthorised construction, complaints regarding constructions in violation of K. M. Act, KMBR, Kerala Panchayat Raj Act etc., and enquiry reports of STP (Vig.) etc., relating to Ernakulam and Palakkad.
2. Monitoring of OPs/WPs of all regulatory sections.
3. Cancellation/Extension of Building Rules to Panchayats of the aforesaid districts.
4. Papers relating to the construction of buildings with regard to the Kerala Municipality Building Rules
1999, Kerala Panchayat Building Rules, Kerala Municipality Act 1994, Kerala Panchayat Raj Act 1994, CRZ Notification, regularisation of unauthorised construction, complaints regarding constructions in violation of K. M. Act, KMBR Kerala Panchayat Raj Act etc., and enquiry reports of STP (Vig.) etc., relating to Thrissur, Kannur and Kasaragod.
5. Cancellation/Extension of Building Rules to Panchayats of the aforesaid districts.
6. Miscellaneous papers in the Section.
7. Papers relating to the construction of buildings with regard to the Kerala Municipality Building Rules 1999, Kerala Panchayat Building Rules, Kerala Municipality Act 1994, Kerala Panchayat Raj Act 1994 CRZ Notification, regularisation of unauthorised construction complaints regarding constructions in violation of K. M. Act, KMBR, Kerala Panchayat Raj Act etc., and enquiry reports of STD (Vig.) etc., relating to Kozhikode, Malappuram, Wayanad.
8. Cancellation/Extension of Building Rules to Panchayats of the aforesaid districts.
(Regulatory-C) - RC
1. Land acquisition by various LSG Institutions and Development Authorities.
2. Eviction of encroachments.
3. Prevention of Food Adulteration.
4. Transfer of land to all LSG Institutions.
5. Entertainment tax of LSG Institutions (exemption, complaint, etc.).
6. Buildings/Property tax of LSG Institutions (exemption, complaint, etc.).
7. Papers relating to parking fees, other taxes, levies, license fee, etc., (exemption, complaint, etc.).
8. Tax evasion cases (Prevention).
9. Exhibitions and tournaments.
10. Naming of roads, erection of statutes and memorials, advertisement boards and hoardings.
11. Renumbering of existing houses consequent to delimitation of wards, and for preparation of voters list.
12. Ferries.
13. Fishing rights.
14. Take over of roads of LSG Institutions by PWD.
15. Removal of sand from rivers.
16. Licenses under D & O factories and Trade Rules and other Licenses.
17. Registration of marriages.
18. Destruction of stray dogs.
19. Assignment of land and river Porambokes of LSG Institutions.
20 Preservation of lands of LSG Institutions and removel of encroachments.
21. Single Window Clearance Scheme.
22. water sources consumption/storage water drinking facilities.
23. Miscellaneous papers of the section.
(Regulatory-D) - RD
1. Kerala Panchayat Raj Act, 1994.
2. Framing/Amendment of Rules under the KPR Act.
3. Issuance of clarifications under KPR Act and Rules.
4. Papers on Consultative Committee.
5. Act and Rules relating to Municipalities and Corporations.
6. Bye-laws of Corporations and Municipalities.
7. Building Rules—KMBR and KPBR.
8. Town Planning Act and preparation and approval of Town Planning Schemes under Town Planning Act.
9. Issuance of clarifications under the above Acts and Rules.
10. General nature WPs/OPs connected with Kerala Panchayat Raj Act and Rules and Municipalities Act Rules.
11. Papers relating to SFC recommendations in respect of KPR Act and Municipalities Act.
12. Act and Rules common to Local Bodies.
13. Rules under the Kerala Village Court Act.
14. Miscellaneous papers of the section and General/Miscellaneous papers of regulatory nature.
1. Follow up action on Assembly questions and entrusting answers to Assembly.
2. Follow up action of Lok Sabha and Rajya Sabha questions.
3. Assurance of the Ministers on the floor of the Assembly— Co-ordination and follow up action.
4. Monitoring of L. A. Assurances and Legislature Committee recommendations.
5. Co-ordination of details to be furnished to all Legislative Committee except Subject Committee and their follow up action.
6. Papers on Right to Information Act.
7. Fortnightly report on important orders.
8. Consolidation work of the Department including L. A. answers to be consolidated from the Department.
9. Monthly Business Statement.
10. Convening of Staff meeting and meetings with Heads of Department.
11. Papers on all Conferences—meetings with Heads of Department.
12. Papers on all Conferences—meetings of M.Ps., Collectors Conference, Meetings of Secretaries with C. S., Meetings on Decentralisation, etc.
13. All meetings/Conferences held outside the State involving participation of Senior Officers from Secretariate or Head of Departments.
14. Nodal work on matters take up with Government of India—Audit Monitoring Committee, M.Ps' Conference, C.S's Conference, Ministers' Conference, Secretaries Conference, Cheif Minister's Conference.
15. Follow up action on the recommendations in Sen Committee Report.
16. Miscellaneous papers of the Section.
(Engineering Wing)- EW
1. Disciplinary cases relating to all the staff of the LSGD Engineering Cadre in all the districts of the state.
2. General papers on disciplinary matters of LSGD Engineering Cadre.
3. Establishment matters of Ministerial and Technical Staff of LSGD Engineering Cadre.
4. Miscellaneous papers of the section.
Office Section (OS I)
1. Receipt and distribution of Tappal.
2. Assigning G. O. numbers.
3. Issue of stationery.
Office Section (OS II)
1. Despatch work.
2. Binding and transfer of disposals to Records